On 7/10/06, Leo Sutic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 7/10/06, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 7/9/06, Leo Sutic <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Getting 2.2 out would be a nice endcap, and if you could just get the
> > thing out in accordance with specs, that would be absolutely
> > fantastic. I'll stick around to get 2.2 out if $SOMEONE_ELSE (you) do
> > the release manager stuff.
> Which build system is the most used with attributes, Ant or Maven?
> Are we releasing the Plugin as well as the two jars? Currently the build is
> maven install-snapshot
> maven install-plugin
> because the plugin depends on the snapshot 2.2 versions. Should the
> plugin update to 2.2 dependencies?

Yes. I have done the change in SVN.

> The ant dist creates the 3 zips. Do you then zip that up as the
> release, and zip up a source tree as the source release?

No, just do a svn update and use "maven dist" to get the
distributions. You should end up with src/bin tgz/zip and all three
jars (api, compiler, plugin).

That works.

maven install  (dist fails without this)
maven dist
maven site

I've put the groupId back to commons-attributes. Dist and docs at
http://people.apache.org/~bayard/commons-attributes/docs/ in case
anyone wants to look at it. I've not dug into it to find things that
might need changing yet.


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