Commons does not have pom.xml for its components. Them pom files you find at the repositories (i.e. ibiblio) are converted by a piece of software from our (Maven 1) project.xml files. This conversion is made automatically. We are able to add some comments in our project.xml files to fix some of the conversion problems.

So a couple of examples would be nice. Then I can check to see what the problems might be and if/how we can solve them.

Maybe the maven project.xml 2 pom.xml converter may consider maven1 properties that have a direct equivalent in maven2 ?
For example, if junit is refered as :

this <scope> property has no effect on maven1 but is valid and adds documentation to dependency use. It can be converted to the <scope> element in a maven2 pom.

This can be a way to "help" the converter when a project is aware of beeing used by maven2 users but doesn't use it itself.

Just my 2 cents...


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