This is why the householder transformation was so simple. There are better
ones, but I thought I'd play it safe and implement it directly from the
textbook definition to not run afoul of any copyrights. All of the code came
from the text of textbooks, I didn't take any code from anywhere.

How should I send this code in, should I just attach the files to this email


On 7/17/06, Simon Kitching <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mon, 2006-07-17 at 06:50 +0200, Luc Maisonobe wrote:
> Tyler Ward wrote :
> > Hi guys, I haven't sent mail to this list before. I've noticed that
> > apache
> > doesn't have an SVD algorithm, so I put one together. Are you guys
> > interested?
> By the way, could you add [math] as a marker in your subject for this
> list (I forgot to fix it in my previous mail, sorry). The list is shared
> among a lot of projects, so these markers help filtering the messages
> for all subscribers.

And just as a reminder, the Apache Software Foundation is very careful
to respect copyrights, so any contribution of this sort cannot be based
on code published under another license. Hopefully most core math
algorithm can be implemented from the theory without great problems, but
copying code fragments from a textbook, etc. can be problematic I

I'll leave it up to the core maths people to determine what's ok.



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