This is all that's left in 2.2 before an RC can be built.

On 7/5/06, Stephen Colebourne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Henri Yandell wrote:
> Anyone know of any half-finished code in there at the moment?

I think I'm on record for saying that the VariableFormatter class
doesn't quite fit as is IMHO. But I've not spelt out why, so here goes...

At a minimum, I'd like to see MapVariableResolver packge scoped.

Reading the following in the threads, no one seems to be against
making MapVariableResolver package scoped.

Personally I don't think we should have public nested classes,
especially if they're intended for extension. That might just be me
being a dumb user.

VariableResolver is another public nested class (well interface). Any
reason to not have this be package scoped for the 2.2 release as well?

However, I thnk I'd rather see VariableResolver changed to be a more
general StrLookup class rather like StrMatcher. That way it could be
used equally as well independent of VariableFormatter.

public class StrLookup {
   String lookup(String key);

   // package scoped implementation for Map

You could envisage other (non [lang]) accessors such as OGNL, EL, XPath
or perhaps ones that accessed a List of strings by index.

The key point is that this shouldn't be limited to just
VariableFormatter in the same way that StrMatcher isn't limited to
StrTokenizer. Separation of Concerns.

A 2.3/3.0 subject?


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