On 7/22/06, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 7/22/06, Stephen Colebourne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Niall Pemberton wrote:
> > Anyway the upshot of it is I think we should switch finder from using
> > java.util.FileFilter to IOFileFilter and plug in the implementations
> > that are currently available in IO 1.2.
> >
> > Any objections?
> I guess my POV is known on inter-commons dependencies - they are best
> avoided for a whole heap of reasons. However we don't seem to be able to
> agree on a consensus opinion on this subject.

My thinking is to encourage dependencies until a release gets close -
then to question them. In this case it's going to be good as much of
the code in Finder will either vanish completely or be donated to IO.
That'll leave a much smaller API and I suspect then it might be
something that looks desirable for IO again. If not though - it'll
still be ready for release as its own component.

+1 I know your original goal was to emulate the Unix find command, but
for me I'm less wedded to unix's implementation and more to the
concept of navigating. I read this wrt to unix find:

"if you use the whatis command to see what it does the answer may
surprise you - 'walk a file hierarchy'".

IMO an implementation of that concept would IMO be a good addition to IO.



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