I know, you said (as I do) the jar-per-filesystem is the clean solution
to go, but you also pointed out (as I do too ;-) ) the amount of work
for each voter then.

Sorry, but are you guys seriously saying that the "work for each
voter" is too much? In the end this means "No, we cannot do 'release
early, release often' - too much work for the voters" ...for the

Come on guys!!

I have the same "issue" with jci then. But I think the modules do not
require to be a full-blown release of the core. (documentation, etc)
...they are modules and not to be used outside of the core.

So the burden I see is to actually to prepare the releases. But I have
my script that pretty much does a release with a few command lines.
(helps to have gpg-agent running)

release checksum
release checksum-verify
release sign
release sign-verify
release stage
release stage-verify

Then send out a mail to have people check the RC on people.apache.org.
After the voting I tag the release and do

release live
release live-verify
release download

Everyone is wining about our huge release procedure - but it's only a
lot to do if you do all this by hand. (Why would you want to do that?)
My script is pretty stupid and would probably need to be adjusted to
work for all different projects ...but hell - I don't fear making
releases now anymore. So should no one else.

So let's do what makes most sense - not what seems less work.

My 2 cents


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