--- Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:
> On 8/1/06, Stephen Colebourne
> > I think that a key issue with its failure first
> time around was scope.
> > Personally, I would be quite comfortable to see
> [convert] only support
> > conversion between Objects and Strings and vice
> versa. ie. a very simple
> > component.
> >
> > IMHO, anything else leads into much more difficult
> design choices, and
> > leads beyond the range of commons. For example, I
> know that there is at
> > least one sf project doing Object to Object
> conversions already (but I
> > can't find a reference).
> >
> > Can we KISS?
> +1.
> That's the one we usually need, Object->String and
> String->Object.
> Becomes a much simpler interface then.
> Hen

Indeed, but beanutils already has String->Object,
we're  only missing the other half. But it is also
true that the approach for conversion in beautils is
strict (meaning: "123.45" converted to int yields an
Exception, perhaps a lenient configurable version will
do ?)

Ing. Andres Almiray Jaramillo
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There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and 
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