To whom it may engage...
This is an automated request, but not an unsolicited one. For 
more information please visit, 
and/or contact the folk at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Project commons-logging has an issue affecting its community integration.
This issue affects 261 projects,
 and has been outstanding for 98 runs.
The current state of this project is 'Failed', with reason 'Build Timed Out'.
For reference only, the following projects are affected by this:
    - JacORB :  The free Java implementation of the OMG's CORBA standard.
    - addressing :  WS-FX Project
    - ant-embed-optional :  Java based build tool
    - ant-xdocs-proposal :  Java based build tool
    - apache-ldapber-provider :  Apache Directory Project
    - apacheds-shared :  Apache Directory Server
    - apollo :  Apollo Project
    - asn1-ber :  Apache ASN.1 Tools
    - asn1-codec :  Apache ASN.1 Tools
    - asn1-der :  Apache ASN.1 Tools
    - authx-example :  Apache Authentication and Authorization Framework
    - authx-script :  Apache Authentication and Authorization Framework
    - beepcore :  BEEP is a new Internet standards-track protocol
    - bsh-cvs
    - checkstyle :  Java style checker
    - commons-beanutils :  Bean Utilities (Core)
    - commons-beanutils-bean-collections :  Bean Utilities (Bean Collections)
    - commons-beanutils-core :  Jakarta commons
    - commons-betwixt :  Commons Betwixt Package
    - commons-cli :  Commons CLI Package
    - commons-cli2 :  Commons CLI Package
    - commons-configuration :  Jakarta commons
    - commons-digester :  XML to Java Object Configuration
    - commons-digester-rss :  Digester RSS Example
    - commons-discovery :  Commons Discovery Package
    - commons-el :  Expression Language
    - commons-httpclient :  HTTP Client Library
    - commons-httpclient-2.0-branch :  HTTP Client Library
    - commons-id :  Commons Identifier Package
    - commons-jci :  Commons JCI
    - commons-jelly :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-ant :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-antlr :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-avalon :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-bean :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-beanshell :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-betwixt :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-bsf :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-define :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-define-test :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-dynabean :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-email :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-fmt :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-fmt-test :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-html :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-http :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-jetty :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-jface :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-jms :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-jmx :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-jsl :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-jsl-test :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-junit :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-log :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-memory :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-ojb :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-quartz :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-regexp :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-sql :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-swt :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-threads :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-util :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-validate :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-velocity :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-xml :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-xml-test :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-tags-xmlunit :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jelly-test :  Commons Jelly
    - commons-jexl :  Commons Jexl Package
    - commons-jxpath :  XPath traversal of JavaBeans
    - commons-logging :  Logging Library Package
    - commons-math :  The Jakarta Mathematics Library
    - commons-messenger :  A web based JMS framework
    - commons-modeler :  Modeler MBeans
    - commons-services :  Basic Services Architecture
    - commons-validator :  Validation Framework
    - commons-vfs :  Jakarta commons
    - db-ddlutils :  Easy-to-use component for working with Database Definition 
    - db-ojb :  ObjectRelationalBridge
    - db-ojb-from-packages :  ObjectRelationalBridge
    - db-torque :  Persistence Layer
    - db-torque-gen :  Persistence Layer
    - excalibur-component :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-cornerstone-connection-api :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-cornerstone-connection-impl :  Repository of reusable 
    - excalibur-cornerstone-datasources-impl :  Repository of reusable 
    - excalibur-cornerstone-scheduler-impl :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-cornerstone-sockets-impl :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-cornerstone-store-impl :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-cornerstone-threads-api :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-cornerstone-threads-impl :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-datasource :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-event :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-event-api :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-event-impl :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-fortress-bean :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-fortress-container-api :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-fortress-container-impl :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-fortress-container-test :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-fortress-examples :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-fortress-meta :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-fortress-migration :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-fortress-platform :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-fortress-testcase :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-framework-impl :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-instrument-api :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-instrument-client :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-instrument-mgr-api :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-instrument-mgr-http :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-instrument-mgr-impl :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-lifecycle-api :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-lifecycle-impl :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-logger :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-monitor :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-pool :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-pool-api :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-pool-impl :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-pool-instrumented :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-sourceresolve :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-store :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-testcase :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-thread :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-thread-api :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-thread-impl :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-thread-impl-test :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-thread-instrumented :  Repository of reusable components.
    - excalibur-xmlutil :  Repository of reusable components.
    - fulcrum-bsf :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-cache :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-configuration-impl :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-crypto :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-dvsl :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-factory :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-hsqldb :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-localization :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-mimetype :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-naming :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-osworkflow :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-pool :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-quartz :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-security-api :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-security-memory :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-security-nt :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-template :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-testcontainer :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-xmlrpc :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-xslt :  Services Framework
    - fulcrum-yaafi :  Services Framework
    - geronimo :  Apache Geronimo, the J2EE server project of the Apache 
    - groovy :  New agile dynamic language using a Java-like syntax for the ...
    - htmlunit :  A tool for testing web based applications
    - invicta :  Open-source build management tool.
    - jakarta-bsf :  Bean Scripting Framework
    - jakarta-cactus-framework-12 :  Cactus Framework (J2EE 1.2)
    - jakarta-cactus-framework-13 :  Cactus Framework (J2EE 1.3)
    - jakarta-cactus-integration-ant-12 :  Cactus Ant Integration (J2EE 1.2)
    - jakarta-cactus-integration-ant-13 :  Cactus Ant Integration (J2EE 1.3)
    - jakarta-cactus-sample-servlet-12 :  Cactus Servlet Sample (J2EE 1.2)
    - jakarta-hivemind :  HiveMind is a services and configuration
    - jakarta-hivemind-compile :  HiveMind is a services and configuration
    - jakarta-hivemind-library :  HiveMind is a services and configuration
    - jakarta-jmeter-21-svn :  Pure Java load testing and performance 
measurement tool.
    - jakarta-jmeter-21-test :  Pure Java load testing and performance 
measurement tool.
    - jakarta-poi :  POI
    - jakarta-poi-3 :  POI
    - jakarta-taglibs-bsf :  BSF Taglib
    - jakarta-taglibs-jmstags :  JMS Taglib
    - jakarta-taglibs-log :  Log Taglib
    - jakarta-tomcat :  Servlet 2.2 and JSP 1.1 Reference Implementation
    - jakarta-tomcat-coyote :  Connectors to various web servers
    - jakarta-tomcat-coyote-tomcat3 :  Connectors to various web servers
    - jakarta-tomcat-http11 :  Connectors to various web servers
    - jakarta-tomcat-jasper_tc5 :  JavaServer Pages JSP 2.0 implementation (for 
Tomcat 5.x)
    - jakarta-tomcat-jni :  Connectors to various web servers
    - jakarta-tomcat-util :  Connectors to various web servers
    - jakarta-turbine-jcs :  Cache
    - jakarta-velocity-tools :  Velocity-Tools project
    - james-server :  James Server
    - jaxme2
    - jaxmeapi
    - jaxmejs
    - jaxmexs
    - jetty :  Java HTTP Servlet Server
    - jetty-plus :  Java HTTP Servlet Server
    - jgroups :  A Reliable Multicast Communication Toolkit for Java
    - jtidy-cvs :  HTML Templates
    - kerberos-common :  Apache Directory Project
    - kerberos-protocol :  Apache Kerberos Server
    - ldap-common :  Apache Directory Project
    - ldap-protocol :  Apache Directory Server
    - ldap-snacc-provider :  Apache Directory Project
    - logging-log4j-chainsaw :  Chainsaw log viewer
    - maven :  Project Management Tools
    - maven-bootstrap :  Project Management Tools
    - maven-directory-plugin :  Apache Directory Server
    - mina :  A Multipurpose Infrastrusture for Network Applications
    - muse :  Muse Project
    - mx4j :  OpenSource implementation of a JMX agent
    - mx4j-tools :  OpenSource implementation of a JMX agent
    - mx4j-tools-from-packaged-jetty :  OpenSource implementation of a JMX agent
    - naming-config :  Apache Directory Naming Component
    - naming-core :  Apache Directory Naming Component
    - naming-factory :  Apache Directory Naming Component
    - naming-java :  Apache Directory Naming Component
    - naming-management :  Apache Directory Naming Component
    - naming-resources :  Apache Directory Naming Component
    - nlog4j
    - opensaml :  OpenSAML 1.0.1 is a set of open source Java and C++ 
    - quartz :  Job Scheduler
    - slf4j :  Simple Logging Facade for Java
    - slide-webdavclient :  Content Management System based on WebDAV technology
    - smartfrog :  Smartfrog: Application Deployment from HP Laboratories
    - smartfrog-cdl :  Smartfrog: Application Deployment from HP Laboratories
    - smartfrog-components :  Smartfrog: Application Deployment from HP 
    - smartfrog-jetty :  Smartfrog: Application Deployment from HP Laboratories
    - smartfrog-junit :  Smartfrog: Application Deployment from HP Laboratories
    - smartfrog-tasks :  Smartfrog: Application Deployment from HP Laboratories
    - smartfrog-tasks-test :  Smartfrog: Application Deployment from HP 
    - smartfrog-test :  Smartfrog: Application Deployment from HP Laboratories
    - smartfrog-testharness :  Smartfrog: Application Deployment from HP 
    - smartfrog-tomcat :  Smartfrog: Application Deployment from HP Laboratories
    - smartfrog-www :  Smartfrog: Application Deployment from HP Laboratories
    - smartfrog-xml :  Smartfrog: Application Deployment from HP Laboratories
    - struts-sslext :  The Struts SSL Extension for HTTP/HTTPS switching
    - strutstestcase :  An extension of the standard JUnit TestCase class that 
    - stub-compiler :  Apache ASN.1 Tools
    - test-ojb :  ObjectRelationalBridge
    - tomcat-jasper_tc6 :  Java Server Pages JSP 2.1 implementation (for Tomcat 
    - tomcat-tc6 :  Java Servlet 2.5 & Server Pages JSP 2.1 implementation (for 
    - ws-axis :  Apache eXtensible Interaction System
    - ws-axis-test :  Apache eXtensible Interaction System
    - ws-axis2 :  Apache Axis2 SOAP Stack
    - ws-commons-axiom :  Common stuff for the WS projects.
    - ws-commons-policy :  Common stuff for the WS projects.
    - ws-juddi :  ws-juddi -- UDDI Toolkit/Repository
    - ws-juddi-test :  ws-juddi -- UDDI Toolkit/Repository
    - ws-wsif :  Web Services Invocation Framework
    - wss4j :  WS-FX Project
    - xdoclet :  Enhanced Doclet engine.
    - xdoclet-apache-module-prepare :  Intermediate target that prepares 
    apache modul...
    - xdoclet-bea-module-prepare :  Intermediate target that prepares xdoclet's
    bea module
    - xdoclet-compile-core :  Intermediate target that compiles xdoclet's core
    - xdoclet-ejb-module-prepare :  Intermediate target that prepares xdoclet's
    ejb module
    - xdoclet-hibernate-module-prepare :  Intermediate target that prepares 
    hibernate mo...
    - xdoclet-jdo-module-prepare :  Intermediate target that prepares xdoclet's
    jdo module
    - xdoclet-libelis-module-prepare :  Intermediate target that prepares 
    libelis modu...
    - xdoclet-objectweb-module-prepare :  Intermediate target that prepares 
    objectweb mo...
    - xdoclet-oracle-module-prepare :  Intermediate target that prepares 
    oracle modul...
    - xdoclet-orion-module-prepare :  Intermediate target that prepares 
    orion module
    - xdoclet-tjdo-module-prepare :  Intermediate target that prepares xdoclet's
    tjdo module
    - xdoclet-web-module-prepare :  Intermediate target that prepares xdoclet's
    web module
    - xdoclet-xdoclet-module-prepare :  Intermediate target that prepares 
    xdoclet modu...
    - xjavadoc :  Enhanced Doclet engine.
    - xml-axis :  Apache eXtensible Interaction System
    - xml-axis-wsif :  Web Services Invocation Framework
    - xml-fop :  XSL-FO (Formatting Objects) processor
    - xml-fop-maintenance :  XSL-FO (Formatting Objects) processor (Maintenance 
    - xml-security :  XML-Signature Syntax and Processing
    - xml-security-tests :  XML-Signature Syntax and Processing
    - xml-xindice :  native XML database
    - xmlrpc :  A Java implementation of XML-RPC

Full details are available at:

That said, some information snippets are provided here.

The following annotations (debug/informational/warning/error messages) were 
 -DEBUG- Dependency on logging-log4j exists, no need to add for property 
 -DEBUG- Dependency on excalibur-logkit exists, no need to add for property 
 -DEBUG- Dependency on excalibur-framework-api exists, no need to add for 
property avalon-framework.jar.
 -INFO- Failed with reason build timed out
 -DEBUG- Extracted fallback artifacts from Gump Repository

The following work was performed:
Work Name: build_jakarta-commons_commons-logging (Type: Build)
Work ended in a state of : Failed
Elapsed: 60 mins
Command Line: java -Djava.awt.headless=true 
-Xbootclasspath/p:/usr/local/gump/public/workspace/xml-xerces2/build/xercesImpl.jar:/usr/local/gump/public/workspace/xml-commons/java/external/build/xml-apis.jar -Dgump.merge=/x1/gump/public/gump/work/merge.xml 
 -Dcomponent.version=04082006 compile 
[Working Directory: /usr/local/gump/public/workspace/jakarta-commons/logging]



     [echo]     *** WARNING ***
     [echo]     Log4j 1.2 not found: Cannot Build Log4JLogger








     [echo] jdk.1.4.present=true
     [echo] log4j12.present=${log4j12.present}
     [echo] logkit.present=true
     [echo] avalon-framework.present=true



     [copy] Copying 3 files to 
    [mkdir] Created dir: 
     [copy] Copying 1 file to 
     [copy] Copying 1 file to 
      [jar] Building jar: 
      [jar] Building jar: 
      [jar] Building jar: 



Total time: 2 seconds

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============================== Gump Tracking Only ===
Produced by Gump version 2.2.
Gump Run 20000004082006,
Gump E-mail Identifier (unique within run) #25.

Apache Gump [Instance: vmgump]

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