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The following page has been changed by RoryWinston:

+ Also see 
  '''Q: Using the NNTPClient, retrieving a list of headers takes forever. Why 
is that?'''
@@ -135, +136 @@

  threads, you must serialize access to the object with critical sections.
- '''Q: Does the SMTP client support ESMTP functions? Does it support RFC2821, 
RFC2822, RFC2487 TLS, RFC2554 authentication, RFC2920 command pipelining, 
RFC3030 large/binary messages, etc.?'''
- ----
  '''Q: Does FTPClient support FTP connections through an FTP proxy server?'''
  '''A:''' Paul Buchanan answers this question here:
@@ -203, +202 @@

        } catch (Exception e) { ... }
- This snipet is a simple version of retrieveFile method. If you consult the 
original version, you will see that all you need to do is change the copyStream 
method according to your needs.
+ This snippet is a simple version of retrieveFile method. If you consult the 
original version, you will see that all you need to do is change the copyStream 
method according to your needs.
+ ----
+ '''Q:After I perform a file transfer to the server, printWorkingDirectory() 
returns null.'''
+ '''A:'''You need to call `completePendingCommand()` after transferring the 
file. See the following snippet for a guide:
+ {{{
+ FTPClient client = new FTPClient();
+               client.addProtocolCommandListener(new PrintCommandListener(new
+ PrintWriter(System.out)));
+               client.connect("");
+               client.login("rory", "rory");
+               for (FTPFile file : client.listFiles()) {
+                       System.out.printf("%s %s [%d bytes]\n" 
,(file.isDirectory() ? "[D]" : "   "),
+ file.getName(), file.getSize());
+               }
+               client.enterLocalPassiveMode();
+               client.setFileType(FTPClient.BINARY_FILE_TYPE);
+               client.retrieveFile("A.pdf", new 
+                 // Upload a file
+               InputStream fis = new FileInputStream("c:\\temp\\B.pdf");
+               OutputStream os = client.storeFileStream("B.pdf");
+               byte buf[] = new byte[8192];
+               while ( != -1) {
+                       os.write(buf);
+               }
+               fis.close();
+               os.close();
+               client.completePendingCommand();
+               client.changeWorkingDirectory("Dir1");
+               for (FTPFile file : client.listFiles()) {
+                       System.out.printf("%s %s [%d bytes]\n" 
,(file.isDirectory() ? "[D]" : "   "),
+ file.getName(), file.getSize());
+               }
+               System.out.println(client.printWorkingDirectory());
+               client.changeToParentDirectory();
+               client.changeWorkingDirectory("/D2");
+               System.out.println(client.printWorkingDirectory());
+               client.logout();
+               client.disconnect();
+ }}}

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