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The following page has been changed by NestorUrquiza:

  Yes programming is about fun. Project management, Systems Architecture and 
Business implementation should be as well right? The truth is business is not 
defined by software aware people (at least not most of it), Presentation Logic 
is commonly confused with look and feel and the last is only the final result 
of a plan that a Front End developer just follow. How you manage to store your 
data, where and when is not a concern of the business or operations guys. The 
list can go on. I have found that with commons-scxml and POJOs you end up 
having a good State Oriented Framework that you can adjust just for your 
purpose having your:
- 1)MODEL: Back End developers using java or another language if they manage to 
interact with a State Chart library like commons-scxml.
+    a. MODEL: Back End developers using java or another language if they 
manage to interact with a State Chart library like commons-scxml.
- 2)VIEW: Front End developers using cool AJAX while reading the xml responses 
from proper calls they are instructed to make.
+    b. VIEW: Front End developers using cool AJAX while reading the xml 
responses from proper calls they are instructed to make.
- 3)CONTROLLER: Operation guys/scripters instructed by Business guys about what 
is the new business rule, the new constraints. They will use just a scripting 
language like JEXL or even in the future ECMA scripts from the <script> tag 
already proposed by w3c for the SCXML implementation.
+    c. CONTROLLER: Operation guys/scripters instructed by Business guys about 
what is the new business rule, the new constraints. They will use just a 
scripting language like JEXL or even in the future ECMA scripts from the 
<script> tag already proposed by w3c for the SCXML implementation.

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