On Sep 11, 2006, at 4:18 PM, Oliver Heger wrote:

Mark Diggory wrote:
Hello Friends,
I notice that the code for AbstractConfiguration eats exceptions that the javadoc claims it should throw. http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/configuration/xref/org/apache/ commons/configuration/AbstractConfiguration.html#692
690      * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
691      */
692     public Integer getInteger(String key, Integer defaultValue)
693     {
694         Object value = resolveContainerStore(key);
696         if (value == null)
697         {
698             return defaultValue;
699         }
700         else
701         {
702             try
703             {
704 return PropertyConverter.toInteger(interpolate (value));
705             }
706             catch (ConversionException e)
707             {
708 throw new ConversionException('\'' + key + "' doesn't map to an Integer object", e);
709             }
710         }
711     }
How is it that this can compile when the method signature clearly doesn't shoe "throws ConfigurationException" ? I thought, maybe its an extension of RuntimeException, but it doesn't appear so.
ConversionException extends ConfigurationRuntimeException, which extends the runtime exception NestableRuntimeException (from the [lang] project). So it is indeed a runtime exception.

The exception is not eaten, but a more specific message is added.


Of course, your very right, I was confusing ConversionException with ConfigurationException and banging my head against the wall as to why I couldn't catch it without a compilation error, duh! Thanks for answering such a foolish question. ;-)


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