On Sun, 2006-10-15 at 13:57 -0700, Thomas Dudziak wrote:
> Hi folks,

hi thomas

> as we're reading the 1.0 release of DdlUtils, Martin noticed that we
> currently use a SVN build of commons-betwixt. Since we very much would
> like to have a proper released betwixt version instead, I wanted to
> ask what needs to be done for a 0.8 release. 

makes sense. i don't recall anything in particular that was really
needed for a release (but i've been really busy and haven't really done
any betwixt development for months)

> I'd be happy to help
> getting these things done, if someone could e.g. mark the issues
> necessary for 0.8 in JIRA ?

i'll try to find some time in the next day or two

- robert

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