
I have just created an ant task to PGP sign artefacts using the code
developed by Brett Porter and Stefan Bodewig.

What is the procedure to update the web site
http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/sandbox/openpgp/ ? I have created a
.apt file to document the new ant task, and I know how to run mvn site
on my computer.

Do you make a tar file of the generated site, then unpack it on
people.apache.org ? or is there another procedure ?



PS : I am quite happy to have become a Jakarta committer. As promised,
most of my activity here will go to slide and vfs, but I needed this bit
of code to speed up the releases of ... ant.
I will be quite interested to know also how to write and document the
corresponding mojo for the competition ... Any pointers ? What would be
a bit similar and could be "cloned" ?

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