Author: scolebourne
Date: Sat Oct 28 06:03:11 2006
New Revision: 468690

COLLECTIONS-229 - Remove deprecated classes and code


 Sat Oct 28 06:03:11 2006
@@ -688,114 +688,7 @@
-    /**
-     * Given an Object, and an index, returns the nth value in the
-     * object.
-     * <ul>
-     * <li>If obj is a Map, returns the nth value from the <b>keySet</b> 
iterator, unless 
-     *     the Map contains an Integer key with integer value = idx, in which 
case the
-     *     corresponding map entry value is returned.  If idx exceeds the 
number of entries in
-     *     the map, an empty Iterator is returned.
-     * <li>If obj is a List or an array, returns the nth value, throwing 
-     *     ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, resp. if the nth value does not 
-     * <li>If obj is an iterator, enumeration or Collection, returns the nth 
value from the iterator,
-     *     returning an empty Iterator (resp. Enumeration) if the nth value 
does not exist.
-     * <li>Returns the original obj if it is null or not a Collection or 
-     * </ul>
-     * 
-     * @param obj  the object to get an index of, may be null
-     * @param idx  the index to get
-     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
-     * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
-     *
-     * @deprecated use [EMAIL PROTECTED] #get(Object, int)} instead. Will be 
removed in v4.0
-     */
-    public static Object index(Object obj, int idx) {
-        return index(obj, new Integer(idx));
-    }
-    /**
-     * Given an Object, and a key (index), returns the value associated with
-     * that key in the Object. The following checks are made:
-     * <ul>
-     * <li>If obj is a Map, use the index as a key to get a value. If no match 
-     * <li>Check key is an Integer. If not, return the object passed in.
-     * <li>If obj is a Map, get the nth value from the <b>keySet</b> iterator.
-     *     If the Map has fewer than n entries, return an empty Iterator.
-     * <li>If obj is a List or an array, get the nth value, throwing 
-     *     ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, resp. if the nth value does not 
-     * <li>If obj is an iterator, enumeration or Collection, get the nth value 
from the iterator,
-     *     returning an empty Iterator (resp. Enumeration) if the nth value 
does not exist.
-     * <li>Return the original obj.
-     * </ul>
-     * 
-     * @param obj  the object to get an index of
-     * @param index  the index to get
-     * @return the object at the specified index
-     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
-     * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
-     *
-     * @deprecated use [EMAIL PROTECTED] #get(Object, int)} instead. Will be 
removed in v4.0
-     */
-    public static Object index(Object obj, Object index) {
-        if(obj instanceof Map) {
-            Map map = (Map)obj;
-            if(map.containsKey(index)) {
-                return map.get(index);
-            }
-        }
-        int idx = -1;
-        if(index instanceof Integer) {
-            idx = ((Integer)index).intValue();
-        }
-        if(idx < 0) {
-            return obj;
-        } 
-        else if(obj instanceof Map) {
-            Map map = (Map)obj;
-            Iterator iterator = map.keySet().iterator();
-            return index(iterator, idx);
-        } 
-        else if(obj instanceof List) {
-            return ((List)obj).get(idx);
-        } 
-        else if(obj instanceof Object[]) {
-            return ((Object[])obj)[idx];
-        } 
-        else if(obj instanceof Enumeration) {
-            Enumeration it = (Enumeration)obj;
-            while(it.hasMoreElements()) {
-                idx--;
-                if(idx == -1) {
-                    return it.nextElement();
-                } else {
-                    it.nextElement();
-                }
-            }
-        } 
-        else if(obj instanceof Iterator) {
-            return index((Iterator)obj, idx);
-        }
-        else if(obj instanceof Collection) {
-            Iterator iterator = ((Collection)obj).iterator();
-            return index(iterator, idx);
-        }
-        return obj;
-    }
-    private static Object index(Iterator iterator, int idx) {
-        while(iterator.hasNext()) {
-            idx--;
-            if(idx == -1) {
-                return;
-            } else {
-      ;
-            }
-        }
-        return iterator;
-    }
      * Returns the <code>index</code>-th value in <code>object</code>, throwing
      * <code>IndexOutOfBoundsException</code> if there is no such element or 

 Sat Oct 28 06:03:11 2006
@@ -75,8 +75,6 @@
     protected AbstractDualBidiMap() {
-        maps[0] = createMap();
-        maps[1] = createMap();
@@ -112,20 +110,6 @@
         maps[0] = normalMap;
         maps[1] = reverseMap;
         this.inverseBidiMap = inverseBidiMap;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Creates a new instance of the map used by the subclass to store data.
-     * <p>
-     * This design is deeply flawed and has been deprecated.
-     * It relied on subclass data being used during a superclass constructor.
-     * 
-     * @return the map to be used for internal storage
-     * @deprecated For constructors, use the new two map constructor.
-     * For deserialization, populate the maps array directly in readObject.
-     */
-    protected Map createMap() {
-        return null;

 Sat Oct 28 06:03:11 2006
@@ -465,119 +465,7 @@
-    public void testIndex() {     
-        // normal map behavior when index is an Integer and a key
-        Map map = new HashMap();
-        map.put(new Integer(0), "zero");
-        map.put(new Integer(-1), "minusOne");
-        Object test = CollectionUtils.index(map, 0);
-        assertTrue(test.equals("zero"));
-        test = CollectionUtils.index(map, new Integer(-1));
-        assertTrue(test.equals("minusOne"));
-        // map, non-integer key that does not exist -- map returned
-        test = CollectionUtils.index(map, "missing");
-        assertTrue(test.equals(map));
-        // map, integer not a key, valid index -- "some" element of keyset 
-        test = CollectionUtils.index(map, new Integer(1));   
-        assertTrue(map.keySet().contains(test)); 
-        // map, integer not a key, not valid index -- "dead" keyset iterator 
-        test = CollectionUtils.index(map, new Integer(4));         
-        assertTrue((test instanceof Iterator) && !((Iterator) 
-        // sorted map, integer not a key, valid index -- ith key returned
-        SortedMap map2 = new TreeMap();
-        map2.put(new Integer(23), "u");
-        map2.put(new Integer(21), "x");
-        map2.put(new Integer(17), "v");
-        map2.put(new Integer(42), "w");
-        Integer val = (Integer) CollectionUtils.index(map2, 0);
-        assertTrue(val.intValue() == 17);
-        val = (Integer) CollectionUtils.index(map2, 1);
-        assertTrue(val.intValue() == 21);
-        val = (Integer) CollectionUtils.index(map2, 2);
-        assertTrue(val.intValue() == 23);
-        val = (Integer) CollectionUtils.index(map2, 3);
-        assertTrue(val.intValue() == 42);   
-        // list, entry exists
-        List list = new ArrayList();
-        list.add("zero");
-        list.add("one");
-        test = CollectionUtils.index(list, 0);
-        assertTrue(test.equals("zero"));
-        test = CollectionUtils.index(list, 1);
-        assertTrue(test.equals("one"));
-        // list, non-existent entry -- IndexOutOfBoundsException
-        try {
-            test = CollectionUtils.index(list, 2);
-            fail("Expecting IndexOutOfBoundsException");
-        } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
-            // expected
-        }
-        // iterator, entry exists
-        Iterator iterator = list.iterator();
-        test = CollectionUtils.index(iterator,0);
-        assertTrue(test.equals("zero"));
-        iterator = list.iterator();
-        test = CollectionUtils.index(iterator,1);
-        assertTrue(test.equals("one"));
-        // iterator, non-existent entry -- "dead" iterator returned
-        test = CollectionUtils.index(iterator,3);
-        assertTrue(test.equals(iterator) && !iterator.hasNext());
-        // Enumeration, entry exists
-        Vector vector = new Vector(list);
-        Enumeration en = vector.elements();
-        test = CollectionUtils.index(en,0);
-        assertTrue(test.equals("zero"));
-        en = vector.elements();
-        test = CollectionUtils.index(en,1);
-        assertTrue(test.equals("one"));
-        // Enumeration, non-existent entry -- "dead" enumerator returned
-        test = CollectionUtils.index(en,3);
-        assertTrue(test.equals(en) && !en.hasMoreElements());
-        // Collection, entry exists
-        Bag bag = new HashBag();
-        bag.add("element", 1);
-        test = CollectionUtils.index(bag, 0);
-        assertTrue(test.equals("element"));
-        // Collection, non-existent entry -- "dead" iterator returned
-        test = CollectionUtils.index(bag, 2);
-        assertTrue((test instanceof Iterator) && !((Iterator) 
-        // Object array, entry exists
-        Object[] objArray = new Object[2];
-        objArray[0] = "zero";
-        objArray[1] = "one";
-        test = CollectionUtils.index(objArray,0);
-        assertTrue(test.equals("zero"));
-        test = CollectionUtils.index(objArray,1);
-        assertTrue(test.equals("one"));
-        // Object array, non-existent entry -- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
-        try {
-            test = CollectionUtils.index(objArray,2);
-            fail("Expecting ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.");
-        } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException ex) {
-            // expected
-        }
-        // Non-collection object -- returned unchanged
-        Object obj = new Object();
-        test = CollectionUtils.index(obj, obj);
-        assertTrue(test.equals(obj));
-    }
-    public void testGet() {     
+    public void testGet() {
             // Unordered map, entries exist
             Map expected = new HashMap();

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