
I'm trying to create tests for client authentication for Apache FtpServer. For this I'm using commons-net as the client but is running into problems with the client auth support in FTPSClient. I'm setting setNeedClientAuth(true) but still get problems due to FTPSClient sending a null certificate chain. How should I set up my keystore so that FTPSClient finds it and can use it to send the correct certificate to the server for authentication? I've tried with the javax.net.ssl.keyStore system property but to no avail.

Also, if I understand the current implementation of FTPSClient and FTPSTrustManager. From what I can understand, the implementation only checks if the service certificate is valid, not if it's trusted. Is this correct? If so, this would probably be a security issue in that a fake server serving up any valid certificate would be trusted by the client. Is this the intended behavior?


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