Stephen Colebourne <scolebourne <at>> writes:

> The major version number of a component, where it is greater than 1, 
> shall be included in the package name.

I really wonder why this should be a concern of the actual component at all. A
component is an encapsulated piece of software with a well-defined interface
(here API). If there are problems in the environment in using this component or
looking it up (here jar hell/classpath), then this is a problem of the
environment, not a concern of the component. Therefore this thing has also to be
fixed in the environment.

Classloader shielding is an appropriate solution. There is much ongoing work
like OSGi to standardize this and make it easier usable. So I wonder why this is
now still such a major topic though it worked ten years without it. Maybe in 2
or 3 years nobody will talk about it at all when classloader shielding is so
common and easily usable.


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