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The following page has been changed by AndrewKnowles:

  Now the build system has moved to Maven that won't happen again.
+ === Why do I get ClassCastException when accessing nested maps? ===
+ Say you have a map which contains a nested map ala:
+ nestedmap.put ("key2", "somevalue");
+ map.put ("key1", nestedmap);
+ If you use the following syntax:
+ String val = PropertyUtils.getProperty(bean, "map(key1)(key2)");
+ It will actually return "map(key1)", which will be a Map, not a String.
+ BeanUtils uses '.' as a property separator, and the second property should 
actually used mapped syntax, since it is directly accessing a map now, thus the 
correct usage should be:
+ String val = PropertyUtils.getProperty(bean, "map(key1).key2");

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