Weird. Not sure why that would be. I'll take a look.


Susanne Lefvert wrote:

Never mind, I think I figured it out. I have to set the binary flag after the enterlocalpassivemode call....

On Dec 5, 2006, at 3:37 PM, Susanne Lefvert wrote:

An additional note: this happens even if I disable ssl (ie reconfigure the ftp server and use FTPClient).


On Dec 5, 2006, at 2:36 PM, Susanne Lefvert wrote:


I'm having problems downloading zip files using the FTPSClient with the apache ftp server. It works fine on Mac clients but not windows clients.

Here's the test code (replace *** with your info):

public class testFTP{
    private FTPSClient ftps;

    public testFTP(){
        String host = "***";
        int port = ***;
        String zipname = "";
ftps = new FTPSClient(true);
        ftps.login("***", "***");
        System.out.println("Remote system is " + ftps.getSystemName());
ftps.enterLocalPassiveMode(); FileOutputStream output=new FileOutputStream(new File(zipname));
        boolean result = ftps.retrieveFile(zipname,output);
if (!result) {
        System.out.println("Error retrieving file");

    catch(Exception e){
        System.out.println("An error occured");

    public static void main(String args[]){
    testFTP f= new testFTP();

Here's the error I'm getting when trying to unzip the result from the test code above:

$ unzip
warning []: 49109 extra bytes at beginning or within zipfile
  (attempting to process anyway)
file #1:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  49109
  (attempting to re-compensate)
  inflating: CompleteProject.eaf
  error:  invalid compressed data to inflate
file #2:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  2036
  (attempting to re-compensate)
file #2:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  2036
file #3:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  7225427
file #4:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  13119171
file #5:  bad zipfile offset (local header sig):  13312603
  inflating: CompleteProject_MetaData.xml

Any hints appreciated!



On Oct 4, 2006, at 4:50 PM, Rory Winston wrote:

Hi Susanne

TLS support is in the works, but has not made it into an official release yet. If you are using JDK 5.0, you can try out a snapshot of the new release here:

An example of usage is here:


Susanne Lefvert wrote:

Hi there,

Do you know if there are any examples out there where the commons ftp client has been extended to support TLS. I need to connect to an ftp server that requires SSL and I'm looking for a ftp client library that I can use in my application. The apache commons ftp client looks really good, it's just missing the TLS piece. Any hints greatly appreciated.



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