On 12/18/06, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 12/18/06, Phil Steitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 12/18/06, Jochen Wiedmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 18 Dec 2006 12:02:54 -0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > Failed build logs:
> > > 
> >
> > Anybody got an idea what's wrong?
> >
> > The error message indicates, that a version of commons-io other than
> > the latest SNAPSHOT is used. However, the project.xml refers to
> > SNAPSHOT and the snapshot repository is contained in the list of repos
> > in project.properties.
> >
> Odd.  The log says
> "Artifact /commons-io/jars/commons-io-SNAPSHOT.jar doesn't exists in
> remote repository, but it exists locally"
> which means it tried to find it in the repo, but could not and it used
> an (old?) local snap instead.
> I looked at the local maven repo on vmbuild and saw an up-to-date
> version of the io snap (dated early this AM).  I deleted it and then
> ran "maven clean test" for fileupload and it grabbed the latest snap
> and it worked.  Should work tonight, but I have no explanation for why
> it has been failing.

I did the same earlier today - no idea why it doesn't seem to work.

I switched the build order to put [io] in front of [fileupload].  The
script installs the snaps locally, so an up-to-date io snap will now
always be available to fileupload.  Seemed to work last night.

I am not sure how maven 1 handles the repo list when it is specified
on the command line *and* in project.properties, but that could be
what was causing the problem.  To workaround the redirection bug, we
added -Dmaven.repo.remote=http://repo1.maven.org/maven to the command
line in the nightly script.  That may override what is in
project.properties, making the message in the logs (which is still
there) make sense.


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