Here's a status report on how far I have gotten.

The sandbox parent is finished. I have added a bunch of reports to it that seems logical, at least to me, for all components. These are:

- Cobertura (test coverage)
- Javadoc
- JXR (cross reference for sources)
- Surefire (test results)
- JDepend (metrics)
- Taglist (list things left to do)

The individual components have at least the reports they have in their M1 sites, with these exceptions:

- i18n is missing JCoverage, but Cobertura does the same thing
- Id and Proxy are missing Clover, but Cobertura does the same thing
- All are missing JavaDoc Report, JavaDoc Warnings Report and Link check, which does not exist in M2
- All are missing Project License which is available in another place in M2

Some components have their own reports as well. These didn't seem like something suitable for all components. These reports are:

- Checkstyle (5 component) (requires a configuration file)
- Changelog (3 component)
- Changes (1 component) (requires a changes.xml file)
- FindBugs (1 component)

Still to do:

- I haven't been able to get the logo in the upper right corner to work simultaneously for M1 and M2. This affects I18n, Id and Proxy. - Id has test failures in M2, which I haven't been able to solve. I temporarily added a configuration so that the build succeeds even if there are test failures. - Id has a downloads page that refers to an M1 report. Need to decide how to deal with that. Can't have M1 and M2 working at the same time for this one.
- Publish staged sites so that you can all see what it looks like.

Dennis Lundberg wrote:

Before I dive head-first into this I thought I'd ask first. I'd like to unify the M2 generated sites for all sandbox components, by making use of commons-skin. This would mean:

1. Make various changes to the sandbox-parent, which is currently located in sandbox-trunk:
- Remove local style rules
- Remove stuff that is inherited from commons-parent, most notably maven-classic-skin

2. Change pom.xml and site.xml for many sandbox components
- Make sure inheritance is correct
- Align navigation structure
- Remove stuff that is inherited from sandbox-parent

3. Re-publish the sites for all sandbox components
- Do "mvn site:deploy" for all sandbox components
- Would like to move sandbox-parent to its own directory in SVN
- If we feel that it's necessary at this time: release commons-skin, commons-parent and sandbox-parent

Does this sound OK to you?

Dennis Lundberg

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