On 1/4/07, Stephen Colebourne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Henri Yandell wrote:
> Anything need fixing up before doing the real build?

I don't like the new table on the home page. I think it provides too
much information, and mainly information that isn't that relevant.

Yeah, I was experimenting. I definitely like it - I think it helps
with the structure of the page - but definitely nothing to hold up a
release. I'd much rather improve the downloads.xml to be a release.xml
and contain all versions etc. Then this kind of info could sit in

Its also inconsistent with the other similar commons sites, notably in
that releases is now above documentation. (Yes, I know this is minor,
but all this helps consistency. If we do change this, we should change
it elsewhere too.)


If it is to be kept then perhaps the release notes column should always
have the text 'release notes'? and the javadoc column 'javadoc'. Perhaps
there should be a download column? Also, javadoc for 1.0 isn't online,
so a symlink to 1.0.1 would need to be created.

1.0 now online.

And if we do keep it, then perhaps the releases and documentation
section should be merged.

Agreed, if it stays then the documentaiton section could just fold into it.

I think the best solution would be to move the data to a separate
release history page? The home page then just references the download
and javadoc of the latest version, probably in a combined releases and
documentation section.

I'll change to this.


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