Phil Steitz wrote :

The problem with that is that generic handlers that display messages would
not work. I like the idea of carrying the data along, though and exposing
it, as well as providing translate (see

and getMessage(Locale) methods.  That gives client apps the most
flexibility.  What do you think, Luc?

Trying to synthetize all use cases, here is what I think is expected by everyone who has expressed views :

1) allow application level code to contribute to/configure message building
2) allow low layers to build messages with variable parts
3) allow localized messages
4) expose message parts (key and parameters)
5) allow handlers using only no arguments getMessage() to work as usual
6) use a mechanism robust enough to work even in case of code changes
and missing localization data (of course in degraded, i.e. non localized

The following proposal is an attempt to address all these points.

Two main classes would be used: the MathException base class and a MessageFactory base class. MathException would delegate to MessageFactory the task to build the message from its String key and Object[] parameters (point 2). Both the key, parameters and message would be available with appropriate getters (point 4 and 5). A static method in MathException would allow upper layers to prepend a customized MessageFactory instance (point 1) in front of already registered factories following a chain of responsibility. The initial chain would contain three different MessageFactory instances :
 - a LocalizedMessageFactory using the key to retrieve a pattern from
   a ResourceBundle for the default Locale (Locale.geDefault()) and
   MessageFormat to build the message (point 3)
- a NonLocalizedMessageFactory using the key directly as a pattern
  for MessageFormat
- a RawMessageFormat simply concatenating everything with toString

The chain of responsibility is intended to provide robustness (point 6): the first message factory providing a non null message is used. If a factory fails, the next one is used. The last factory cannot fail.

A user who simply wants to get messages localized for a Locale which is not the default one would therefore only need to do :

MathException.prependMessageFactory(new LocalizedMessageFactory(myLocale));

This would work even if its locale is not supported as its factory would always fail but the following ones would be triggered as needed.

I think an appropriate policy would be to always use US-english patterns as keys as it would allow to get meaningful messages even if everything else fails, and as it would help the translators tasks.

Does this seems sensible ?


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