On 2/8/07, sebb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 07/02/07, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I made a stab of defining the current status for Commons for the
> Jakarta board report:
> http://wiki.apache.org/jakarta/JakartaBoardReport-current
> Here's the summary. Any thoughts on the ?? marks and the dormancy
> candidates? Feel free to add things to the wiki page. I've not added
> all of this yet.
> Attributes - Needs a new release, after that a dormancy candidate.
> BeanUtils - Inactive. 1.8.0 slowly being worked on.
> Betwixt - Just released.
> Chain - ??
> CLI - Inactive. Dormancy candidate?

JMeter is currently using the same code as the Avalon CLI - which is
mixed up in the rest of CLI2.  There have been no reported problems
for the CLI in JMeter for a long time now.

It is not the same animal as CLI and CLI2, so perhaps it should be
moved somewhere else? Can it be made a separate mini project in

Seems a shame that the only use of the code is in JMeter at present.

Once it has been released, it can remain happily in maintenance mode...

I'm happy to do the work.

Split off from CLI2 a while ago :)


> Jexl - ?? Dormancy candidate?

We're using it in JMeter.

I think a lot of people are. Maybe we need a better name than
Dormancy, it seems to imply dead to people when in fact the idea is
that things wake up from dormancy if someone wants to be active on it.


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