Despite Antoine's efforts nobody from infra fixed the issue and now
vmbuild has been shut down - so no nightlies for commons for the
foreseeable future :-(


On 2/12/07, Niall Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 2/7/07, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ssh seems to be down. I mentioned it on #asfinfra, but no one replied.
> Time to mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] methinks.

The thread on infra@ got no response :-(

Antoine Levy-Lambert has now created a Jira ticket for it


> Hen
> On 2/6/07, Niall Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The nightly builds appear to be broken - I had a problem with the
> > changelog plugin hanging[1] because of a new Certificate for the
> > apache svn repository - which when I ran svn on the command line and
> > accepted it cleared the issue. Chatting with Henri earlier he thought
> > it was the same issue for the nightlies. Anyone know how to log on and
> > sort this out for the nightly builds?
> >
> > Niall
> >
> > [1]

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