---- Oleg Kalnichevski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> On Sat, 2007-03-10 at 16:05 +1300, Simon Kitching wrote: 
> > I expect that this will be the last ever release of commons-logging.
> > There are no features missing, no known bugs, and as support for java
> > 1.4 is now generally universal there is no reason for applications not
> > to use the java.util.logging API directly.
> > 
> This is a little bit of a shocker to me. Does your opinion represent the
> collective opinion of the JCL developers? Do I interpret your message
> correctly that JCL has been effectively deprecated, there will be no
> work done toward JCL 2.0 and the upstream projects that currently depend
> on JCL are advised to migrate to JUL?

It's only my personal opinion. However I am one of the major contributors to 
JCL since 1.0.4.

There is nothing *wrong* with JCL, and the code isn't going to be removed from 
the Apache servers. And if there are any significant bugs found they are likely 
to be fixed. So there's no need to be worried, or to rush off to change any 
existing code.

However if code requires java1.4 or later for other reasons I don't see any 
benefit in that code using JCL; the java.util.logging api is built in to java 
so why download an additional jar?

For libraries that still want to support java1.3 or older, JCL is an excellent 
choice. However that's a rapidly shrinking category. Apache Tomcat now requires 
java1.4, and has moved to java.util.logging as its API (with JULI as the 
underlying implementation); I would suggest other code do the same.

I did spend some time and effort researching possible "JCL 2.0" designs, but 
after further thought decided there was little point. Of course I'm only 
speaking for myself here.



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