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The following page has been changed by JoergHeinicke:

   * use a different package name (e.g. o.a.j.c.transaction2)
    * discussed here[EMAIL 
   * maybe supply a 1.x compatibility package
-  * only impement a core that does the transactional part
+  * only implement a core that does the transactional part
    * leave the rest to optional modules and custion implementations by calling 
exchangeable implementation of interfaces
    * use Spring for configuration
    * modules
@@ -20, +20 @@

     * What else?
   * have a default implementation 
    * for all required modules 
-   * keept it slim and rudimentary
+   * keep it slim and rudimentary
    * amounts to a transactional file store out of the box
  Features of the file implementation:
-  * allow for additional guarenteed deadlock free actions on resources
+  * allow for additional guaranteed deadlock free actions on resources
    * move and tree-move
    * copy and tree-copy
    * delete and tree-delete
-  * maintain an explicite tree (graph?) structure
+  * maintain an explicit tree (graph?) structure
+  * provide an administration interface based on JMX
  Open Questions:
   * Is Jakarta Commons the right place for such a project?

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