On 4/4/07, Oliver Heger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The 2nd release candidate for Commons Configuration 1.4 is available for
inspection at

The site can be found at

The following has been changed since rc1:
- A license issue with one of the test classes was solved by simply
using another mock implementation for this purpose.
- The dependency to commons-dbcp was updated to the new version 1.2.2.
This solves a problem with the m2 build related to jdbc-stdext.jar.
- Minor site improvements, as suggested for rc1.
- A few fixes for problems reported in the mean time.

Please send your votes. I will keep the vote open until the evening of
Saturday, 7th April (GMT).

Checked sigs and hashes.
Checked jar contents.

**NOTICE should include copyright per new policy, as in the example
here: (http://www.apache.org/legal/src-headers.html#headers).  IANAL
and don't want to play one, so am not sure whether this is enough to
hold the release, but it should probably be fixed, since IIUC, having
now removed the copyright notice from source headers, we are releasing
with no copyright unless we include this.

Checked both ant and maven builds on Sun Linux JDK jdk1.5.0_10
Checked maven build on Sun Linux 1.4.2_10 and jrockit-jdk1.5.0_06
1.3 build fails due to missing std-ext jar, but this is documented in
build instructions.  I did not add build.properties to test this.

Would be +1 were it not for ** or if ** is not a legal issue.  Sorry
it took me so long to get the dbcp release out.


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