Oliver Heger a écrit :

I agree with using Java 5 for version 2.0. About switching to JDK 1.4 I am not sure. I think we should do this switch as late as possible. I.e. as long as no specific 1.4 features are needed for the fixes and features we implement, we should stay with 1.3.

I remember a posting on this list shortly before the Configuration 1.3 release, in which the author made clear that he still needs JDK 1.3 support.

On the other hand there are people requesting features that will require Java 1.4 like the Preferences integration. I see 2 solutions to satisfy everyone:

1. release a last Java 1.3 version and support it as long as possible by backporting the bug fixes. That may be a 1.4.x branch.

2. implement the new classes with Java 1.4 but keep the existing code compatible with Java 1.3. The build may be difficult to manage with this mixed approach, we will need 2 compilation procedures, one with the JDK 1.3 excluding the new classes, and one with the JDK 1.4 with all classes.

One of my hopes on moving to Java 1.4 is to remove the core dependency on [collections]. We need it mainly for the LinkedMap and the ListOrderedSet, instead of these classes we could use the Java 1.4 alternatives. The other usages of [collections] are less critical and could be implemented differently. Removing this dependency will not be possible with the second solution though.

Emmanuel Bourg

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