Yeah - ascii still does scale in some cases. However, I imagine String.equalsIgnoreCase() is an exercise in legacy code conversion as well as speed. By all means, add ignoreCase for the shops that don't need/know better, but just make sure that Collator/Comparator use is an option, and is encouraged in the javadoc. I'm not sure how to raise a ticket for this, as it probably spans quite a few classes...

Henri Yandell wrote:
Stephen Kestle had this view of case insensitivity:

Given that I've a strong interest in multiple locales etc, I
definitely see Stephen's point, but your example shows a good reason
why the low ASCII chars do scale - domain names (at least until it all
gets complicated at some unknown point in the future).

Make them @since 3.0 (given that's what it is in JIRA). We can change
that later if need be.


On 4/15/07, Niall Pemberton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I posted a patch for StringUtils to add a number of new methods to the
following Jira ticket:

Any objections to me committing this?


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