Hi Emmanuel and Niclas,

nicolas de loof wrote on Thursday, April 19, 2007 12:34 PM:

<sorted TOFU>
> 2007/4/19, Emmanuel Bourg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> nicolas de loof a écrit :
>>> I agrea with Jörg : having some classes depend on java 1.4 should
>>> not make all the lib depend on java 1.4 when possible. This can be
>>> handled in maven2 with some compiler configuration (two executions
>>> with includes/excludes), just by having some naming convention (or
>>> deticated package) for java 
>>> 1.4classes.
>> I'm a bit reluctant to rely on Maven to manage a mixed build
>> correctly. We have test cases that don't run on Java 1.3 for classes
>> that do work on Java 1.3, it's getting weird.
>> I feel it'll be easier to manage 2 branches than fine tuning Maven to
>> build both Java 1.3 and Java 1.4 versions.

We use a CI installation for XStream to manage such a setup. The XStream itself 
is compiled with JDK 1.5 (currently) for the release, but for CI we also use 
Ant to produce a (limited) JDK 1.3 version. What's missing so far is to compile 
and run the tests with JDK 1.3 only using the standard version...

> You're right about beeing easier to have multiple branches
> for various JRE,
> but from a user point of view, having the same jar working on java1.3
> as minimal but having support for java 1.4 classes and maybe
> tiger is great.

Same experience in XStream land.

> I have the same use case for some common-code in my corporate work. I
> had to setup such a multi-compiler conf for maven2, but using some
> simple convention made it work fine (example : java1.4 classes have
> "java14" or "jdbc3" prefix.).

it's missing the rt.jar part though

> I'm not sure if testing under multiple JRE with various
> includes/excludes is possible/simple with maven. This would require
> not only the rt.jar but a fully installed JRE.
> If you're interested in such a build process I can give help.

Me too.

- Jörg

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