
I just had a quick look at the 2.0.0 api, and there are some features that seem to be missing which would be really nice to have. For one of them I already created a JIRA entry a time ago, another one I came across because I use SLF4J a lot now.

1) It would be nice to have a generic log method in the Log interface, which allows you to log with an arbitrary log level (LOGGING-110).

2) It would be nice to have formatting of log messages as SLF4J has with the MessageFormat api. In combination with varargs (java5); this makes for a really flexible logging mechanism which makes the code much more concise and avoids testing for log level and formatting of messages yourself while still remaining efficient, e.g., something like this:

log.debug("The disk \"{1}\" contains {0} file(s).", count, disk);

A possible method signature problem could occur here (if there is a var args version of the method) because it would conflict with the version that also has the throwable as an argument. A solution would be to have the throwable first, i.e., log.debug(throwable, messageFormat, arguments...). If JCL 2.0.0 needs to be designed to be java 1.4 compatible, having versions with the Object[]'s instead of varargs would still be immensely useful though.

Just some thoughts,
Sebastiaan van Erk.

Boris Unckel wrote:

I have seen the recent discussions on JCL 2.0.0 and a version without autodiscovery. Someone stated to stop any further development (with good reasons behind) but I am
thinking different.

Please have a look at the (working) code:

It has a static binding, some improvements in the logfactories (recognizes native implementations). API and implementations are cleanly separated, the 1.1.x diagnostic function is still used.

What are your thoughts?
Is this a possible direction?

Is it worth to put more time and energy into this?


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