On 18.05.2007, at 19:17, Bear Giles wrote:

Torsten Curdt wrote:
Hm... seems like I disagree here. I want a simple library that deals with common compression and archive formats

 - tar
 - ar
 - cpio
 - gzip
 - bzip2
 - zip

VFS is a filesystem abstraction layer. It may use the library ....but should not provide the implementation IMO.
Compression and archive are really only related by a USES relationship and there's no reason why they -have- to remain in the same package.

But they are so often used in the same context that I would argue it's a not worth splitting this up into separate libraries. Especially as the JDK already provides the basic implementations of some of the compressors.

CAB (windows) is an additional format,

sure ...let's add it :)

and you can make an argument for the Debian and Red Hat package formats as well.

Debian is using ar and tgz. Just the structure of the archive makes it a Debian package. Not exactly sure about RPMs.

...but where is your point? I am not saying we can't add other implementations. Only that a separation would be a bit artificial. Plus the two things have to work together very well from the API point of view. Having this in one library would make sure that this is the case.


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