On 6/1/07, Ingmar Kliche <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

within a transition (which is gets eventdata from outside) I'd like to
forward some pieces of the eventdata structure using a <send> with namelist:

<transition event="change">
     <if cond = "_eventdata.eventSource == 'x'">
          <send targettype="GUI" target="'y'" event="change" namelist="
_eventdata.eventValue" />
As it does obviously not work it seems to me that the _eventdata structure
is not accessible within a <send> tags namelist. Is this intended? I think
it would be helpful. As a work around I save the value temporarily to the
data model using <assign name="temp" expr="_eventdata.eventValue"/> and use
"temp" within the send tags namelist attribute. But it would be more
convenient to access it directly. What do you think?


Namelist is treated as a space-separated list of variable names (as it
seems to imply). From your example, '_eventdata.eventValue' is an
expression. So, its the difference between a 'get' and an 'evaluate'
(which also explains why the 'temp' bit works).

I think either the attribute should be renamed (by the WG) or spec
should better clarify what each token is. Until then, I think we
should be treating those as variable names, as we do now.



PS: I'm using 0.7-SNAPSHOT.

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