It's still failing.

Did you miss the classification for subethasmtp-smtp-1.2.jar?

On 6/19/07, Ben Speakmon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It's not picking up the java14 classifier on subethasmtp-smtp. Apparently
the classifier doesn't propagate to the parent. I really need to get in
habit of removing my repository before signing off a pom.

Fix checked in.

On 6/18/07, Dion Gillard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is this right?
> When running mvn clean install on the current email trunk, I get:
> [INFO] Compilation failure
> C:\Documents and Settings\Dion
> cannot access org.subethamail.smtp.server.SMTPServer
> bad class file: C:\Documents and Settings\Dion
> mtp-1.2.jar(org/subethamail/smtp/server/SMTPServer.class)
> class file has wrong version 49.0, should be 48.0
> C:\Documents and Settings\Dion
> cannot access org.subethamail.smtp.server.SMTPServer
> bad class file: C:\Documents and Settings\Dion
> mtp-1.2.jar(org/subethamail/smtp/server/SMTPServer.class)
> class file has wrong version 49.0, should be 48.0
> Which means it can only build with 1.5. Is there some magic command
> line trickery I need to get it to build under 1.4?
> --
> dIon Gillard
> Rule #131 of Acquisition: Information is Profit.
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dIon Gillard
Rule #131 of Acquisition: Information is Profit.

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