On 6/20/07, Phil Steitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Next releases:  [dbcp] - 1.3 close as many of the 1.3-marked bugs as
possible without the new pool impl and add instrumentation using JDK
logging, therefore increasing required JDK level to 1.4.

+1. Instrumentation is strongly needed.

of some issues involving close behavior may have to be deferred to
rework of pool-dbcp connection (move to CompositePools).  Continue
dependency on [pool]'s GOP in this release.  More aggressive bug
fixing, performance improvement -> more testing, public beta required.
 Need to talk about a strategy for that.

It'd be very nice to get a test suite, separate from the unit tests,
that we can point at an undefined database and churn through. It could
do performance testing as well as veracity testing.

[pool] - push out a 1.3.1 including fixes applied since 1.3 and if
possible, fixes for POOL-97, POOL-93, with dbcp 1.3 depending on this.
The idea here is the 1.3.x branches of [pool] and [dbcp] continue to
support existing clients with full backward compatibility at JDK 1.4
level, providing bug fixes but no new functionality or APIs.

My general thoughts on [pool] are 'whatever [dbcp] needs it to do'.

"2.0"'s:  (Work could begin now on branches, concurrently with 1.x
releases above)
[dbcp]: 2.0 move to CompositePool backing and add JDBC 4 support,
increasing JDK level to 1.5 and removing currently deprecated classes.
 If 1.x-incompatible changes are necessary (not obvious at this point
that they are), rename affected packages dbcp2.
[pool]: 2.0 release compositepool package, resolve open pool bugs.
JDK level upped to 1.5. Investigate use of JDK concurrency package to
improve performance and/or resolve some open pool issues.

I'd have to find time to help out with the minor releases before I
probably have huge ideas here.

Comments, suggestions, *volunteers*?

Definitely a volunteer. My Commons load is:

CLI release ASAP.
BeanUtils helping Niall.
Starting to ponder an EL bugfix push.
Try to get more into DBCP.

Timeline for DBCP is probably a month away still - though I'm
optimistic that I can lure some colleagues into it then too. A testing
scaffold for DBCP should scratch a few of their itches.


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