On 7/23/07, Dain Sundstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Jul 20, 2007, at 5:26 PM, Phil Steitz wrote:

> On 7/20/07, Dain Sundstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Jul 20, 2007, at 11:26 AM, Dain Sundstrom wrote:
>> > On Jul 19, 2007, at 11:19 PM, Phil Steitz wrote:
>> >
>> >> I would love to have a fix for DBCP-44; but that could wait on
>> pool
>> >> 1.4 if necessary (and Ipersonally see no way to fix it just within
>> >> dbcp.  It would be great if I was wrong on that).
>> >
>> > I think the makeObject method is over synchronized.  Actually, the
>> > class doesn't look it's synchronized properly at all.  I'll take a
>> > shot at fixing this.
>> I attached a patch that fixes the synchronization in
>> PoolableConnectionFactory, but the deadlock still persists.  The
>> problem is GenericObjectPool.borrowObject() is synchronized so when
>> it needs to makeObject that method is called while the synchronized
>> block is held.  I think this would take major surgery to make
>> GenericObjectPool not perform this way.
> Thats what I feared.  Thanks for looking in any case.

Should I commit the patch that removes the excessive synchronization
from PoolableConnectionFactory.  It won't fix this problem but may
alleviate some other ones.

+1 to committing the patch.


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