> Yes, but you have done a very bad thing here.  By doing the 
> executeMethod(), you have established a connection to the server, and 
> have read the headers.  But then you are closing the connection before 
> reading the body.  The client (thats you!) is responsible for completing 
> the read by calling one of the getResponseBody() methods.  Even though 
> you are getting 404 in this case, you don't know that and must still 
> read the body after the execute.

Agreed. I changed my code already :)
> I am surprised that calling System.gc() does anything here though. 
>  There is still a handle on the method at this point, and the connection 
> is still in use so neither are elligible for garbage collection ...

Ahh, but it frees the *last* connection, not the current one :)

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