> 2. Send the plain file as the request body. Look at the example
> PostXML.java. On the server side you need only the request input stream.
> That's it.

Why would this method need to be limited to a plain text file, doesn't it
just send the bytes?

Also, I notice that the JavaDoc for the PostMethod's setRequestBody method

  Once this method has been invoked, the request parameters cannot be
altered until I am recycled.

While the addParameter method states:

    java.lang.IllegalStateException - if my request body has already been

Is there a way of sending the file name with the file contents?  Or, would I
need to revert back to sending the file name ahead of time and setting the
name to a session attribute to be extracted when the file contents are later

Thanks for the help,


> No of course not. HttpClient provides all you need to tailor an
> appropriate POST request.
> There are two possibilities to upload a file:
> 1. Use multi-part-MIME. Look at the example MultipartFileUploadApp.java.
> The part in the ActionListener is what you actually need. On the server
> side you need to parse the multi-part stuff. Commons FileUpload helps you.

> 2. Send the plain file as the request body. Look at the example
> PostXML.java. On the server side you need only the request input stream.
> That's it.
> Odi

> p.s. I will re-TAB the samples in a minute as they look ugly.
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