On Thu, 2003-02-27 at 06:24, Jeffrey Dever wrote:
> Hey Odi,
> A few comments:
> - certainly would prefer Wire, WireLogInputStream, WireLogOutputStream 
> to be package access, not public

So do I. I just find it illogical that HttpMethodBase and all classes
derived from it reside in different packages. That causes the problem in
the first place. Visibility of Wire, WireLogInputStream,
WireLogOutputStream classes should have been restricted to
org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods package in my opinion, which
should have included HttpMethodBase.

> - like the idea of the log stream working like tee to send the ouput to 
> destination and to log
> - Wire.wire has a cast to (char).  Could cause unicode problems?

I know it broke good programming practice here, which I had been
preaching myself not that long ago. I found it justified, though, in
this very specific case as I deem more important ability to escape CR &
LF and other nasty characters in the wire log. I would personally rather
prefer a hex dump of all characters outside 32-127 ASCII range   

> - can MultipartPost and EntityEnclosing drop reliance on log logic?   
> conn.getRequestOutputStream() could return a WireLogOutputStream which 
> would help with the first point above.

I believe this can be done. I regret having overlooked this possibility.


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