Michael Becke wrote:

Agreed. A second thread should not be needed though. It can be done using something like:

[ ... ]

Oleg Kalnichevski wrote:

[ ... ]

On Thu, 2003-02-27 at 15:36, Ortwin Glück wrote:

Oleg Kalnichevski wrote:

Odi, are you sure you want to have an extra thread per HttpMethod? I do
not think so

Better than a busy wait, isn't it?

I just wanted to butt into this to point out that on some platforms, such as 2.2 linux, a thread equates to a process id, and you can quickly run out of them. In these cases, a busy wait is far preferable to a new Thread. Also firing off a Thread when things are slow can cause sudden spikes in Thread use. I've recently seen an analogous problem with an older version of jboss when doing RMI connections which was a pain in the arse to work around.

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