Hi Jan,

It is difficult to be sure without a little more detail. At this point my only guess is that you are running out of sockets (on either the client or server) and/or HttpConnections. It is good that you are using Beta1. Alpha3 had some serious problems, particularly with posts and threading. Here are a few things that will help to narrow this problem down:

- are you using the MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager?
- if so, are you using a connectionFactory timeout? see HttpClient.setHttpConnectionFactoryTimeout()
- if not, how are you managing connection resources? Are you sure that connections are being closed?
- are any exceptions being printed?
- are you calling HttpMethod.releaseConnection() after each execution?
- also, try setting SO_TIMEOUT to something reasonable using either HttpClient.setTimeout() or HttpConnection.setSoTimeout(). If the execution of a method is stalling in the middle of a read this will force an exception.


Jan Gonsalves wrote:
I'm seeing a problem where I have two very similar HttpClient apps running in different JVMs. I ran App1 with Beta1 for 20+ ours straight and it just chugged along and did it's thing. I started App2 with Alpha3 this morning and the minute it came up, App1 hung. Definition of Hung: "In the middle of downloading information, often from a file on a foriegn FTP server using a ZipInputStream, program never returns from reading stream. How ever, sometimes it has "hung" when doing a ExecuteMethod cal." We have seen cases where App1 has been hanging and we were hoping it was some timeout or something that had been fixed in Beta 1. I changed the second app to use BEta1 and ran them together for a 5+ hours and just recently noticed App1 hung again. It only seems to happen when App2 is running on the same machine, I never ran into this while in development because App2 was developed on a separate machine.
The thing that kills me is App2 never has this issue. Some application notes:
Incremental Updates - Both Apps run for a couple minutes and then sleep for 10. While sleeping no connections are kept open.
App1 reads zip files on a FTP server, App2 reads input streams from the response body
App1 performs signifigantly less POST/GET calls than App2. App1 requests information to be created and then put on the FTP server, Files are read from there and not downloaded(Most, not all hangs happen here), App2 requests information and it's sent via the response body.

I know this is vague, I'm just wondering if anyone knows of problems running multiple HttpClient Apps. I'm going to run with the log on from now on, but it can take so long for the problem to occur it fills up disk space pretty rapidly.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
Jan Gonsalves

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