As a user of jakarta projects I must say I agree with Chris on this one.

No offense, but in the way I see it HttpClient isn't "big enough" to be splitted and 
to have one more dependency. I met the same trouble as Chris for commons-logging, 
helpfully most jakarta projects are willing to update to the latest when you ask, but 
sometimes it takes time.


Chris Brown a écrit :

> Please NO !!!
> We're now finding it very difficult to use a lot of Jakarta projects,
> because of "dependency hell"... it's becoming worse than Microsoft's
> famous "DLL hell" problem.  The more self-contained you can keep an
> API, the better ; yes, there are issues concerning code re-use, but
> at present, we're having great difficulty using more than one Jakarta
> project at a time in our projects. 
> If you only use one Jakarta project at a time, you're generally ok.
> If you try to use more than one Jakarta project at the same time
> within your own projects, you have to hope that no such library
> relies upon any other commons component, because chances are that
> they won't be expecting the same version of each library (they don't
> always include the latest version of each "basic" API, and each
> "main" Jakarta API has a different release cycle).  Commons-logging
> is generally included as standard. If each version of an API was
> always backwards-compatible, maybe that'd work, but that's not always
> pratical, realistic, or efficient. 
> Or start hacking around with classloaders... and this too becomes a
> futile exercise when you start deploying things on some versions of
> Tomcat (for example) that "helpfully" expose common functionality,
> using perhaps incompatible versions of APIs (usually from commons)
> that are obsolete (or more recent than) the versions of these APIs
> required by some other "empirical" Jakarta library. 
> Some of the recent commons components, such as commons-sql, have a
> ridiculous number of dependencies.
> One other observation about Commons projects (and
> Jakarta/Apache in general)
> ; although code re-use seems like a good idea, I'm now seeing several
> different projects that aim to do more or less the same thing, such
> as : 
>  - ant and maven
>  - torque and commons-sql
>  - oro and regexp
>  - tapestry, turbine, etc.
> Furthermore, if there's Log4J, why not just use it, instead of the
> Commons-Logging layer?  If a project goes JDK1.4+ -only after, then
> migrate to java.util.logging ?
> On a personal note, I'm hoping that commons-net, which used to just
> work "as-is", doesn't start depending on lots of different API
> versions... 
> I know this is the HttpClient list, and not some general Jakarta
> list, but I sincerely hope that one of the few remaining Jakarta
> projects that doesn't depend on many others doesn't go down the same
> dependency nightmare route as many of the others, so I wanted to
> illustrate *why* (as a user) I feel this way...
> - Chris

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