On Thu, 2003-06-26 at 23:40, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I just got through Internationalizing a website... input and output.  I 
> ran into the exact same issues, and as Andre states, you pretty much need 
> to check everywhere for byte[] ->String and String->byte[].

Matt, we actually do. We do have a specialised class called
HttpConstants that requires a charset to be explicitly specified for all
byte[] to String and String to byte[] conversions. Httpclient's coding
guidelines require HttpConstants class to be used for ALL byte[] to
String and String to byte[] conversions. And we are VERY strict about

The problem is that we can't convince just one guy to fix just one damn
method. This issue has been dragging on for 6 (six) months already and
finally has really blown out of all reasonable proportions


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