Using webdav client library 1.0.16 (and the 1.x Commons.httpclient), I ran into a situation where
boolean result = wdr.putMethod(file); //wdr is instance of WebdavResource
returned a **true** value, but other clients looking for that file on the server could not find it after the fact. And the file never showed up in the directory where it was supposed to be put.
The program that tried to do the put successfully put other files before and after using the same code within a few seconds.
The apache access log file shows a couple of propfinds associated with the filename (apparently triggered by the .putMethod),
but the actual PUT request *does* not show up in the log!
webdavresource thinks that it got a valid code from the Commons PutMethod:
public boolean putMethod(String path, File file) throws HttpException, IOException {
setClient(); PutMethod method = new PutMethod(HttpURL.getPath(path)); generateIfHeader(method); method.sendData(file); method.setDebug(debug); client.executeMethod(method);
int statusCode = method.getStatusCode(); setStatusCode(statusCode); return (statusCode >= 200 && statusCode < 300) ? true : false;
Are there any circumstances where the PUT did reach the server yet a "valid" status code is obtained?
I've been unable to duplicate this situation rerunning the same test/code, and that really concerns me.
Thanks, Tony
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