Mike Moran wrote:
- Redirects. I need to follow redirects, but only up to a limit. This limit is actually not just based on the number of redirects in a chain but also on other factors, which are not derivable based on anything HttpClient knows about.
So: requirement 3 is that I need to arbitrarily stop following redirects at any given point in the chain.

- Redirects again. They must not be followed immediately. This is related to the previous point, but I think different. I need to be able to recieve a redirect and then say "Oh, I'll deal with that later, if ever". Adrian: this is one thing that I think supplying a "retry handler" would *not* give me.
So: requirement 4 is that I should not be forced into `evaluating' the redirect immediately.

This can easily be done. Just set allowRedirects to false on your methods and handle the respective response codes.

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