Dear Odi,
I am using jsse for the ssl implementation.
I still want to use HttpClient in my program.
If I am assuming that the server and client certificate both valid and they're 
communicating to each other. Are they communicating in a secure line? (ie: no one can 
get or decrypt the data ?)
Do you have any reference or links to read to strengthen the communication between 
client and server?
Thanks in advance

Ortwin_Glück <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Dear Querent,

SSL is not implemented by HttpClient but is provided by an external 
company such as Sun. HttpClient uses the SSL implementation that you 
chose. How secure the SSL connections are is dependent on the algorithm 
used. To be sure you should disable known weak algorithms in your SSL 
implementation. Furthermore you can check the server certificate and 
supply a client certificate. For a ultra-sensitive data (like banking 
applications) it is certainly not sufficient to have just the code you 



Querent wrote:

> Dear all,
> I'd like to know how secure it is ssl in HttpClient. I set up the
> host configuration using
> HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); client.setStrictMode(true); 
> client.getHostConfiguration().setHost(LOGON_SITE, LOGON_PORT,
> "https");
> while LOGON_SITE and LOGON_PORT is the address of https site. I am
> able to do either GetMethod or PostMethod.
> Is my set up enough for HttpClient such that my program communicate
> using secure connection ? Does HttpClient reliable on ssl ?
> Thank a lot.
> quent
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