Mike, Oleg, et al,
I had been monitoring the user list since about the time I appeared on the HttpClient scene and didn't think too many request had slipped by me in that time, though every now and then I do miss some. About every two weeks I'd send through a post for a particular topic which points to this list, so I'm not sure that asking people to send their questions here would be much use since people would likely have either solved the problem, found this list or just given up on HttpClient by now anyway. I don't think it would hurt though.

Thanks for subscribing and helping out here, it will be good to have a few more knowledgeable people on the user list. Having said that, I think it works well if I can handle as much of the standard, send-us-your-wire-log type tech support so that you guys can focus on actually getting some work done on HttpClient.

On Wednesday, August 13, 2003, at 11:28 PM, Michael Becke wrote:

Quite so. I will also subscribe.

Do you want to send out a message asking people to resubmit their HttpClient questions if they went unanswered?



Adrian Sutton.

Intencha "tomorrow's technology today"
Ph: 38478913 0422236329
Suite 8/29 Oatland Crescent
Holland Park West 4121
Australia QLD

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