A follow-up question, directed towards the rest of the group....

Shouldn't "recycle" be deprecated for the 2.1 release? Seems like we've discussed it before, and all it gives us is a chance for uses like the following, where my first reaction was that maybe the "recycle" call didn't work properly. I don't think it adds much for performance, and it makes the API more confusing, I think.

To Dan,

You might want to structure your call slightly differently, as well:

try {
// do what you want here...
finally {
// guarantee that you always release the connection - critical if you switch
// to MultiThreadedHttpConnectionManager().


Dan Tran wrote:

Hi I am write a small client/server web app to understand more about httpclient/cookie/and httpsession.

On the httpclient side, I use a get method to keep calling a servlet on server.

   HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
   GetMethod method = new GetMethod(url);
   while ( !done ) {
       if (method.getStatusCode() == HttpStatus.SC_OK) {
       } else {
         System.out.println("Unexpected failure: " +  
         done = true;




on the server side, the doGet() method use this

 public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws 
ServletException, IOException {

The first loop, the client is happy. I found a cookie in the response.

After that it throws the following warning message in my lo4j

 06:22:37,843 - WARN org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpMethodBase - Cookie reject
 ed: "$Version=0; JSESSIONID=6D150D24B3D022F9AB835EF4E0AFEC5E; $Path=/webtest". I
 llegal path attribute "/webtest". Path of origin: "http://localhost:8080/webtest   

On server side, new session is created for each request

Questions are:

  Why server keeps creating new session instead of reuse the old one?
  What does it mean regarding the Warning.

Advices are greately appreciated.

Happy Coding


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