from where? Should HttpClient's client (Axis in this case) be calling
releaseConnection in the exception case? Normally, Axis is relying on
AutoCloseInputStream to route the release back into HttpClient via
ResponseConsumeWatcher. I was unsure on where this should
be and decided on this fix because some exception cases _are_ handled internally to
HttpClient (IOException from is handled in
HttpClient.executeMethod, for example).

What is the rule for who should call the releaseConnection method when?


Michael Becke wrote:

Are you calling method.releaseConnection() in the exception case?


danch wrote:

Thanks for the reply.
I pulled down the release2 branch to do this testing. The branch built without my patch locks up in 'doGetConnection' if I start a multithreaded test then kill the webservices server, causing IOExceptions as I described.

I'm rather leary of trying HEAD both because I need stable code, and because the Axis CommonsHttpSender is written to the 2.0 apis - I'm not sure if anything significant has changed or not. I can give this a shot and see if the current HEAD exhibits the same behavior, but I probably won't be able to do that until tomorrow.

I'd seen bug 23137 - the patch for that seems to be for HEAD, not the release 2 branch.

Actually, I'd also seen bug 22841 - that fixes releases where an exception pops out of the close call in releaseConnection. In my case, the problem was that releaseConnection was never called.

thanks again,

Eric Johnson wrote:


Note the bugs:

If you can, pull the latest code from CVS, or grab a nightly build, and try it again, as the bug may very well be fixed already.

Let us know how it goes.

- Eric

danch wrote:

I'm using HttpClient (2.0 rc1) under Axis (using their CommonsHttpSender class) and we've run into some problems with a web application locking up (deadlock).

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