Hi Dan,

It seems that a number of servers do not handle multi-part requests correctly and subsequently have trouble with posts that include transfer-encoding or content-type. Please see this email thread for a possible solution <http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?t=105794025900005&r=1&w=2>.

I will also start working on a patch that will make it easier to disable these headers without resorting to custom FileParts.


On Wednesday, September 24, 2003, at 05:59 PM, Dan Alford wrote:

Hi all,

I have a problem with a multipart post that I am doing to a third party
webserver. I am using a MultiPartPostMethod and adding parts to it by the
following :

 Hashtable params = transferObj.getPostParams();
    HttpMethod method;
    if (transferObj.isMultipartForm()) {
      method = new
      for (Enumeration e = params.elements(); e.hasMoreElements(); ) {
        Hashtable partParams = (Hashtable) e.nextElement();
        String field = (String) partParams.get("fieldName");
        if (partParams.containsKey("isFile")) {
          //file part
          byte[] data = ( (ByteArrayOutputStream)
          String name = (String) partParams.get("fileName");

String encoding = (String) partParams.get(CONTENT_ENC);
ByteArrayPartSource part = new ByteArrayPartSource(name, data);
FilePart filePart = new FilePart(field, part);
( (MultipartPostMethod) method).addPart(filePart);
else {
//string part
String data = (String) partParams.get(CONTENT_VALUE);
System.out.println("setting "+field+"="+data);
StringPart part = new StringPart(field,data);
( (MultipartPostMethod) method).addPart(part);


This correctly gets me my multipart request which I send to the server. The
problem is that the third party server doesnt seem to fully understand the
format of the post data.

It responds in xml with part of the encoding information still there, for

<TARGET="Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit AB-031717-01693-1"/>

when the data supplied as the field parameter above is "AB-031717-01693-1"
and the XML response should be


I am using the latest rc ( httpclient 2.0-rc1).

I have two questions:
 Firstly, is this a bug or a problem with the target server?

secondly, if it is a problem with the target server, how can I disable the
output of the Content-Transfer-Encoding part of the multipart data?

Thanks in advance,

Dan Alford

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